Sunday, April 20, 2008

Freshman Experience

My freshman year is coming to an end, and after the week of finals and a summer of classes, I will no longer be considered a freshman by the University standards. I have learned an array of things this year, like: not to stress out so much about classes, that MyFau works only during office hours, and that walking down the Breezeway in the middle of “rush hour” (typically around 12:30 p.m. and 1 p.m.) is practically impossible, among other things.

I remember the day when I came to terms that I had gained the “freshman 15” after my Hollister jeans didn’t go past my thigh. I spent endless hours at my second home - my unofficial FAU dorm - in room 214 of the Student Union (University Press headquarters). I fell in love with the Owls after attending a football game where the word "touchdown" only meant “get up and cheer” to me.

I got frustrated with my inability to find the second floor of the GS building after walking in circles around its perimeters, only to find out that 11 flights of stairs and a semi-long walk to the back of the building takes you right into the (hidden) second floor of the GS building. (couldn’t they put the stairs inside of the building?)

I made new friends, lost touch with others, and partied like a rock star at the FAU Apartments - and I still managed to survive my freshman year without failing any classes.

Sad as I am though, this freshman express ride has come to an end. It's been an experience of a lifetime and I will remember tons of memories that will last me until the day I die. So, in commemoration of my final days as a freshman at FAU, I have decided to make this blog a little different.

I went around and asked other freshmen questions about their first year experiences at FAU and here is what they answered - let’s call this a “Q & A with freshmen.”

  1. What was the most boring class you took this year at FAU?
    “Life Science - It was so gay that I just stopped going”
    - Amanda Kushner, Freshman, Business major.

  2. What’s the craziest thing you ever did on campus?
    “I tripped on acid with my friend one time. We sat in the forest the whole night and stared at the trees - it was amazing.”
    - Anonymous, freshman, Psychology major.

  3. What is something you wish you would have known before your first day of classes at FAU?
    “I wish I would have known how horrible the parking situation was going to be. I literally spent 30 minutes looking for parking spots the first day of classes. That’s when I realized that the assigned parking spot I had back in High School was a complete privilege.”
    - Kareeme Shorter, freshman, Business major.

  4. What kind of advice would you give to incoming freshmen?
    “Relax. It can get really stressful and stressing about things is no use -and of course, study hard!”
    -Clarissa Lowmark, freshman, Elementary Education

  5. What did you hate the most as a freshman at FAU?
    “I hated gaining the freshman 15. I look like a fat tuna and now I need to exercise to look hot for summer - thanks Outtakes!”
    - Karina Da Luz, freshman, Engineering major.

  6. What was one of your most memorable moments at FAU?
    “There were no memorable moments. All I did this year was drink beer, go to parties, and meet hot chicks - that’s it.”
    - Mike McKevitt, freshman, Biology major.

  7. Are you going to miss being a freshman?
    “Nah. It’s time to move on. The whole freshman thing is overrated. I had as much fun as I did back in High School - the difference was minimal really.”
    - Rony Barzily, freshman, Business major.

  8. Did you ever party at FAU?
    “Yeah right, this campus is so dead that a party here would practically be a miracle.”
    - Grace Welte, Freshman, Undecided.

What did you think of your freshman year?


Anonymous said...

Interesting dichotomy:

"What was one of your most memorable moments at FAU?

“There were no memorable moments. All I did this year was drink beer, go to parties, and meet hot chicks - that’s it.”
- Mike McKevitt, freshman, Biology major.

Did you ever party at FAU?

“Yeah right, this campus is so dead that a party here would practically be a miracle.”
- Grace Welte, Freshman, Undecided."

Grace Welte apparently needs to leave her dorm room and make some friends.

Anonymous said...

Mike never said that those parties were at FAU.

I've tripped at FAU before.

I came home (to the C-block) and there was a 30 person party in my room. I was sure that the party was going to get busted, so I turned around and went for a long walk. The walk was interesting until a family of raccoons jumped out from around a corner and scared the bejeebus out of my girlfriend. They totally blew up her trip. I thought it was fucking hysterical! I hissed, spread my arms out far and wide and chased them until I realized that I was tripping in public and that I was probably attracting too much attention. Thank god for good pot; the cure for any foul trip.

Mushrooms are safer than acid.

Just Say No to Strychnine!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, that tripping story is funny. :)

Anonymous said...

you mean "past my thighs", not "passed my thighs." :)