Friday, September 21, 2007

Will you marry me?

I’ve never been one to plan out my wedding and picture my prince charming, but I’ve always known that I definitely do not want to get married at a young age.

On the first day of school, as I was waiting to go in my astronomy class, I had the chance to encounter what turned out to be a very interesting conversation between two strangers:

“So, what’s your major?”
“Communications. What about you?”
“Same... oh is that a ring?”
“Yeah, I’m getting married.”

I could not believe what I had just heard! This kid did not look to be more than 20 years old and he was already engaged. Call me crazy, but isn’t that a bit irrational?

Back in high school, relationships were not taken that seriously. Sure, there were a couple of people who talked about getting married, but they didn’t actually make it together through graduation to make the wedding happen.

In high school, relationships were more of social thing. It was more about a 'who was going out with whom' kind of thing. It was never too serious and most relationships were probably over a couple of months later. I’ve noticed that in college, relationships are actually long-lasting, and many of them even get to the altar and have a wedding. All within eight to 10 months of “going out.”

That is what scares me the most in college when it comes to relationships. It’s not like I don’t want one, it’s just that it seems as if relationships in college get serious incredibly fast, and at 18 years old, I'm definitely not ready for that kind of commitment. I just want to have fun and meet cool people. I’m not necessarily looking to get married.

I understand the feeling of being in love and that sudden desire of spending the rest of your life with that special someone. But, some of these kids seem to be rushing into everything way too fast. Not only are they too young, but how can you know for sure that you’re truly in love with that one person and that you want to spend the rest of your life with them when you haven’t even experienced other relationships and other kinds of people? How is that possible?

On top of everything, it must be incredibly difficult to try to balance a marriage with school. One thing is to have a casual relationship with someone, but another is to be married. When you’re married you live together, there are bills to pay, there’s work to do, you have to go to school and you also have to make time for each other to “make it work.” How are kids doing that these days if there’s barely enough time in one day to work, study, rest and spend time with your spouse, all in 24 hours? It must be hard.

However, I must say that even though I might not agree with students getting married so quickly while in college, I actually do admire them for the courage that it takes to try to make ends meet and try to make a marriage work from so early on in their lives. Even though I don’t plan on getting married any time soon, it must be nice to wear a ring on your finger that symbolizes the love of your special someone.

Relationships in college still petrify me, though. But who knows, maybe that’s the fun part about them.

Anyway, here’s a cool video just to illustrate the whole topic on dating...


Anonymous said...

Whereas in high school everybody is pretty much the same age -- with the rare exception of certain individuals who skipped a grade -- in college people are of all ages. I had a student in my Astronomy class during freshmen year that was 76. He had 2 Ph.D.'s and was trying to get one more.

Not long ago, girls went to college to find a respectable husband and then dropped out. With the success of the women's rights movement, that's changed but there still remains a desire to put all the pieces of the puzzle -- job, husband, home -- as quickly as possible in the hopes of reaping their awards for a longer period of time.

It's also a social thing. My friend's girlfriend graduated from FAU and is currently in pharmacy school where 75% of her classmates are married or at least engaged. This leaves her without that common ground and thus puts pressure on my friend to marry her. That may exist even at the college level. People sometimes respond irrationally to the threat of social isolation.

I think you'll find plenty of people who are just here to get a degree, meet cool people and have some fun.

P.S. Next FAU football home game is against USF on Saturday, October 6th, 3:30 pm at Lockhart Stadium. Mark your calendar and bring your mom too!

Anonymous said...

Oh my that was funny.. sorta how it goes though I love your blog...

AD said...

Marriage in college? Forget about it.

Just for the record, I think it is good that your mom supports you. Don't let some of the internet's jerks get you down.

You write a good blog.

Anonymous said...

It's a GREAT blog... not a good blog.

Anonymous said...

I love this blog! I have so many friends getting married! it is so weird!

Amanda said...

I think this is an awsome blog! I agree that it's weird, but I try to respect it as well.