Saturday, September 15, 2007

Let's go Owls, let's go!

I had never been to a football game before – a college football game, that is – and I admit that going in the stadium, I had no idea of what to expect.

I’ve never been a big sports fan. They only sport that I’ve ever liked has been hockey. I still don’t understand the rules of football very well, but it is a whole different thing. I had just always thought of football as a bunch of sweaty guys with big helmets running down a field, tackling each other down ‘til they hit the ground. But going to the game gave me a whole new perspective on why college football games are so much fun.

For the first time in my life, I experienced a real football game. There were cameras, photographers, free t-shirts, big screens; I mean, it was the real deal. It wasn’t some silly game that everyone goes to to get trashed – although I’m sure a lot of people did. It was actually somewhat professional.

The energy was incredible. I never even knew FAU had that much spirit and enthusiasm towards the game. There were people passionately yelling out to the players, encouraging them and rooting them on to win (which, by the way, we did - 42-39). I guess I was surprised because I just never saw that kind of spirit in my high school football games. They were always so dead.

The only football game that I went to in high school was the homecoming game my senior year. I was excited to see my school play – even though I knew we completely sucked compared to other high schools. But that one night, I went to the game and unfortunately it turned out to be very disappointing.

But now that I’m in college, I feel like I want to go to every football game and support my team, the Owls!!! I actually want to get involved in the football games and be one of those die-hard Owl fans. For the first time since I’ve been here, I’m proud of being an Owl. I’m proud of our team and proud of our school. I just never thought I’d feel this way about FAU. I just thought I’d come here, study and get it all over with and not actually enjoy my time here.

Now I realize that FAU does have a lot to offer. I’m not only saying this because we won the football game, but because going to the game gave me a whole new perspective of what life at FAU is like. The game made me feel welcomed to the FAU community and like I was a part of this school.

I will definitely keep going to the football games now. Watch out for me next time. I’ll probably be the girl sitting in the front row, wearing all blue and red and yelling out “Let’s go Owls!” the entire game.


Anonymous said...

Wasn't it incredible?!?

God, it's so much fun. Like you, I had next to no interest in sports. In fact, I didn't even like people who were into sports, let alone the sports themselves.

But then I went to one FAU basketball game and one FAU football game and everything changed.

I wish people on this campus would realize how great the experience is, that you don't have to like sports to enjoy it, that in fact a lot of people DO go and a lot of people DO care about the school, and we're on the rise.

I would encourage you to attend all the home games this year (and if you don't like Lockhart, our normal rented stadium, just know that we're going to have our own, nice on-campus stadium in Fall 2010) aaaaaaaaand be there in the FAU basketball arena (The Burrow) when we have our first home game on Dec.1st.

People are just as passionate about basketball here as they are about football. Our biggest game, "Bury the Burrow 3", is a tradition and we go decked out in as much red as possible and come see our team beat the &*@#^&@% out of FIU.

The energy during the last Bury the Burrow was AMAZING. 2000 people all stomping the bleachers and shouting "F A U! F A U!" sooooo good.

Anonymous said...

A bunch of FAU fans talk about the sports and just FAU stuff in general at

see the message boards

retrodisiac said...

I felt similar my freshman year when I went to my first FAU football game. My high school didn't have sports, so it was my first football game ever. It's so exciting and it really got me interested in football, in general. I'm glad you had fun. Maybe next time we can go together, if I don't have to work. :/

Go Owls! :)

Anonymous said...

FAU football is AWESOME

everybody who doesn't go to the USF game on Oct.6th is an idiot

Anonymous said...

Come on out to all the games(football, basketball, baseball, whatever)! People are starting to realize what they have been missing out on. FAU Athletics, just like the University itself, is on the rise. One day when we are winning National Championships, you will be able to say you saw the first FAU win over a BCS school. It was the launching point in our program. GO OWLS!!!

teyda said...

I'm glad Fau won. Congratulations!
I wanted to answer that anonymous person who criticized my english.
I think it was really disrespectful of you to criticize me with your foul language.I know perfectly well the difference between YOU and YOU ARE.I think what you tried to do is put down my daughter.But you know what? It is not going to happen because I always encourage her.You should go and see your counselor or whatever it is called in college.You seem really envious .I'm really sorry if your mom doesn't care about what you are doing.I'm from South America(Venezuela, a beautiful country by the way) and I came here in my late thirties, just five years ago .I'm so proud of myself because not everybody can do that.Your English should be perfect if you are from this country. If it isn't, you shouldn't criticism me .You are showing me what kind of education you have. I hope you can learn a little bit more in FAU.
My husband is from New Jersey and he graduated from FAU .He works as an English teacher and he is always correcting me.
I'm sure if you were from another country you wouldn't criticize my English.Do you use the same foul language with your parents and professors? If you do, I would like to invite you to meet me I can teach you good manners.
Your second comment about why I'm writing in my daughter's blog is: First of all, she is my DAUGHTER.
Second of all,because I love her.Is that enough for you?
Irene, please don't take my comment off .Be proud of your mother ,even if she makes mistakes. Don't be embarrassed.I'll always encourage you. Just focus on the good comments .Mom is here for you!
Teyda Paitchell

Anonymous said...

Bringing this back around to football...

FAU is going to stomp all over UNT on Saturday!

Anonymous said...

KXX6Ud Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!