Sunday, March 30, 2008

Where is my love?

Beware of dating acquaintances.

The last date I went on appeared to be a good one at first. The guy was nice, tall, and handsome. He had brown shaggy hair that fell slightly over his eyes, a tattoo on his right arm of the outline of Florida, and wore tight, skinny jeans - he could have been an American Eagle model for all I knew.

Conversation flowed well as we both sipped on our Venti, double-shot, vanilla lattes with no foam, until the fatal question he asked that brought me back down to earth and slapped me on the face.

“So, I‘m just going to get this out on the table and ask you” he said. What could it be? I thought. Was he about to ask me out on another date?

“Would you like to try some cocaine?” he said.


I couldn’t believe the words that had just slipped out of his mouth. At first I thought it was a joke, but he was being completely serious.

He creeped me out so much that the date was over before the little receptionist in my head could scream…NEXT!

As my freshman year is coming near an end, I am baffled at my inability to find anyone suitable for a date. In high school, I wasn’t the most popular girl, but I did manage to score a date here and there.

In college, not only have I not found anybody worthy of a relationship, but the couple of people I have gone on dates with have turned out to be complete losers, like Mr. Cocaine Addict discussed above.

The thing is, I don’t even know where I find all of these losers. My friends have somehow managed to score cute and decent boyfriends. While me on the other hand, seem to be hanging out at the library by myself more and more.

“You have to go out more,” said freshman Elizabeth Gosein. “Go to clubs, parties - that’s where most of the guys are”

“Yeah, but I don’t just want to hook up with some guy for a night,” I told her. “I want something that will last.”

“Sometimes there are nice guys there - you just have to look for them,” said Gosein.

But I do look for them. I look for them wherever I go - the supermarket, the library, Starbucks, school, and just about everywhere. Not only that but I’ve also made a conscious effort to look better whenever I go out, in case I bump into my prince charming.

I’ve started to straighten my hair, wear more make-up, and I am even making an effort to lose the stupid freshman 15.

So what am I doing wrong?

“You’re worrying too much,” said freshman Clarissa Lowmark. “You have to just let it go and let it come when it’s supposed to.”

What my friend was saying was true.

In fact, on a recent article on the April issue of the Cosmopolitan (pg.84) psychotherapist Bella Dishell discusses that “if your only focus is on finding a boyfriend, your run the risk of coming off as desperate, a vibe that repels guys.
But when you feel at peace with yourself - you don’t think so much about how others can make you happy - you exude confidence, which is a magnetic trait,” said Dishell. “The key to getting to that place is focusing on the thing you got going for you and nurturing your interests rather than dwelling on what you lack.”

Still desperate about not being able to find a date, I asked some of my friends (with a significant other) how they managed to find their perfect guy and this is the advice they gave me on where to find my prince charming.

  • The Gym (Arnold Swartzenegger): Guys like this one love to go to the gym and watch their muscles grow. They’re usually there for hours and there’s lots of them in one place. If you’re into these kinds of guys, make sure you start hitting the gym - not only will you get in shape but you’ll also increase your chances of finding your hottie.
  • Whole Foods (The Hippie): If you’re a vegetarian and like guys with dreadlocks like me, then you should go to the Whole Foods Supermarket and get some tofu. It’s the perfect place to meet the healthy, anti-animal cruelty, peace & love, beauty you’ve always dreamed of. Trust me, you’ll love being a vegetarian even more.
  • Barnes & Noble (The Intellectual): Barnes and Noble just happens to be the greatest place on earth if you love guys that love books as much as the opposite sex. Guys that hang out at these kinds of places are usually really smart but kind of shy. So if you want to find somebody like that, most of the time you have to make the first move. Try to start a conversation based on a book he’s looking at - trust me, it works most of the time.
  • Rock concerts (Indie Superstar): I have met lots of guys at local shows. One thing though, most “rocker” guys smoke cigarettes, so if you don’t mind kissing someone that will taste like an ashtray - you’re set! These grungy, messy hair, tattooed beauties are usually pretty outgoing and if you catch their eye, they will surely approach you. Not only that but they usually play an instrument, what’s hotter than that?

Guys are everywhere. Don’t get desperate like me to have a dating life. It’ll come…I hope.


Linh Nguyen said...

HAHA! Irene, I know who you are talking about. He happens to be my ex-best friend.


Anonymous said...

Oh my God, Linh no! Hahaha I know who YOU are talking about (david) and it's definitely not him.

Both guys do sound kind of alike. But trust me, it's not him. David's actually much hotter and totally rocks out the Florida tat a lot better than the loser I went on a date with.

Anonymous said...

I'm an indie rocker guy and I don't smoke.

Sometimes the Whole Foods thing bleeds over into the Barnes and Nobles or indie rock thing.

Anonymous said...

Irene don't worry about guys ,I'm sure you are going to find somebody,you are so pretty and I really like you!

Anonymous said...

So now that you're in your second semester of FAU, how has your view of college (and FAU) changed? About the same, better than you thought, worse than you thought, etc? Are you happy that you got involved with the UP versus some of your other freshman friends who haven't gotten involved, and how does you opinion of the school match up with theirs since they aren't connected to something besides classes?

Anonymous said...


Now that I'm in my second semester and almost done with my freshman year, my view of FAU and the entire college experience has changed a lot.

In the beginning (before I even graduated from High School), I was very skeptical about coming to FAU. I didn't have much of an opinion about FAU other than, I thought it would suck to come here. I had plans of going to New York and I didn't even apply to FAU until a month before classes started.

I think I became the typical freshman stereotype that is portrayed on the movies. I was incredibly nervous, I had panic attacks every time I had to log on MyFau to try to figure out my schedule, I had no idea of what to expect from a college course (because I didn't even take AP classes in high school), I didn't know anyone except for a couple of people here and there, and had never even stepped foot on campus other than to go to the Financial Aid Office.

Now I have a very different view from my first couple of weeks on campus. I have grown to love FAU. I've really enjoyed my experience as a freshman and I have loved this blog even more because I've had the chance to document my entire freshman year.

I am now a proud fan of the Owls, I've talked some of my younger friends into coming to FAU, I've made great friends here and this whole experience has turned out to be way better than what I expected.

Definitely, one of the (or actually the ) best thing I did as a freshman was to join the UP.

Because I joined so early on, not only did I get a feeling as to what the school was like, but joining the UP has helped me make friends, it has helped/ encouraged me to get involved, and to get out of my shell a little bit.

None of my friends have joined organizations and/or clubs on campus. They have limited themselves to keep hanging out with the same people from High School and to basically just join the college party scene - which is fine, but I feel like maybe they would have enjoyed the freshman experience a little more if they would have gotten involved.

They don't love FAU as much as I do, they never went to a football game this year - their view of FAU is more of a place to study because they have to, not of a place that they fully enjoy - in fact, most of them complain about FAU on a daily basis and most of them want to transfer next year to another school.

I, on the other hand (though had originally planned to transfer out of state next year), am staying at FAU until I graduate. I'm attached to this place and leaving FAU isn't part of my plans anymore.

- Irene

Anonymous said...

Awsome blog this week. Stay positive though, when you look for something, that's when you can't find it. Once you give up and stop thinking about it, tons of guys will come into your life.

Think about it, when you go to the mall looking for that specific black dress, you can't find it. But two weeks later, you go to the mall to exhange something and there's a bunch of adorable little black dresses in every store. That's life, it sucks. But don't worry, eventually, a nice guy will show up. :)

Anonymous said...

So why don't you friends want to get involved and make an effort to enjoy FAU?

It sounds like everyone that doesn't like FAU doesn't even try to enjoy college until they move to UF/FSU (and UCF to an extent) at which point they get involved with everything and make friends with everyone.

It's frustrating because FAU is a much better school than the reputation would have you believe.

Anonymous said...

My friends unfortunately have the mentality of being "too cool" for FAU. I don't know, that's just their way of thinking and it's unfortunate because FAU does have a lot to offer.

Anonymous said...

Irene God will send someone to you I'm sure .
Because you are such a nice girl.
I love you

Anonymous said...

Your worst blog is still better than the best of the rest.